Monday, 2 May 2016

Protecting Your Investment – Caring For Your Teeth After Cosmetic Dentistry Work

If you’ve recently had cosmetic dentistry done, you know how important it is to keep your dental work clean. To protect your investment, be sure to take the proper precautions to ensure your teeth stay as perfect as they were the day you left the office. Here are a few tips that will keep your teeth in great condition.

•    Be sure to brush and floss after each meal or after drinking beverages that could cause stains such as dark tinted juices or coffee. Proper brushing habits will help preserve tooth whiteness over time.
•    If you have dental implants or veneers, make an attempt to not chew on ice or other hard objects after having your procedure done. Although veneers are usually stain resistant, steering clear of red wines and coffee can help keep your teeth clean and pristine.
•    After receiving laser whitening treatment, try to avoid eating foods or drinking beverages that are highly acidic. These types of food are more likely to wear down the enamel of your teeth. After laser whitening, the enamel on your teeth are very sensitive to acid in foods and drinks and should be avoided if possible.

For more information on how to keep your teeth clean, visit this website to learn more about cosmetic dentistry in Apex.

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